Vedic Numerology

Get accurate, factual, and truthful predictions through a unique combination of Numerology & Vedic Astrology



Classified & Private Consultations (Online and In-person) for all your life challenges and predicaments


Lal Kitab

Dr. Bhavna Bhatia can help you understand your current situation of Planets and suggest you effective Lal Kitab Remedies


Vedic Numero Software

Get access to the unique and patented Numerology Software – Vedic Numero


Astrology Courses

Quality coaching and training (Online & In-person) through private/group classes on Lal Kitab, Vedic Astrology, Vedic Numerology, Vedic Vastu and Scientific Vastu



Get personalized consultancy from Dr. Ashok Bhatia and Dr. Bhavna Bhatia who will provide answers to all your life’s challenges and problems by suggesting remedies you can easily do based on Vedic Astrology, Lal Kitab and Numerology.

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How personalized services help you ?

Personalized sessions allow you to get your answers directly from Prof. Ashok Bhatia and Dr. Bhavna Bhatia on matters related to your Job/Business, Personal/Married life, Health/Wealth, Education/Child related problems or any other life’s challenge.